Our Quality Assurance practice gives “Testing Services” crossing the whole item and application discharge life cycle to all key industry fragments. We comprehend that the way to business achievement is to present abscond free, include rich new items in as short a period as could be allowed. Our gifted assets give master arrangements in choosing a testing device, characterizing execution targets and measurements, test counselling and arranging, test configuration, experiment planning, test execution – computerized or/and manual, examination of test outcomes, deformity following and distinguishing proof and expelling of execution bottlenecks.

  • Domain Competency
  • Industry specific C enters of Excellence (CoE) and Practice Groups
  • Ready-to-use point solutions and frameworks
  • Strategic alliances and dedicated CoEs with leading test tools vendors
  • End-to-end testing services offered for all industry segments
  • Training and Knowledge Management
  • Six Sigma Quality Process